MGEN-3 - the sensitive standalone autoguider from Lacerta

MGEN3 english 1200 tr

MGEN Autoguider: Simplicity meets Precision.


The MGEN Autoguider not only uses a sensistive Chip with small Pixels (3.75µm at 6mm diagonal, 1280x960) but also a worldwide unique algorithm of unrivaled accuracy of 1/50 pixel for guiding. The new AI-algorithm of the MGEN-3 uses up to 100 Stars in the field at once, which even eliminates seeing effects for guiding. This is worldwide unique and makes this unmatched accuracy and reliability possible.


The MGEN Autoguider offers the Random Displacement command. The Teleskope is moved between exposures for just a few pixel, thus resulting in hotpixels to disappear and lower general noise when adding (stacking) multiple exposures. Using MGENs random displacement function increases overall image quality, it can even make dark frames obsolete!

Camera Control
Camera Control

The MGEN Autoguider directly controls your DSLRs exposure series. No remote control release necessary. You can even control CCD Cameras exposures by using external PC software.


MGEN-3s Sensor (CMOS AR0130CS mono) is very sensitive. You can easily guide on 13mag faint stars at 1sec exposure time at a field of 1.5° diagonal. Automatically applying darkframes in realtime boosts sensitivity to a new level.

Drift Alignment (Scheiner Method)
Drift Alignment (Scheiner Method)

Setting up your mount and make a very accurate polar alignment in just a few minutes with a digital application of the Scheiner Method (drift alignment). By measuring the stars drift, the MGEN Autoguider calculates the misalignment and you can easily correct it using the built in display (live view). Thats especially important for portable (travel) mounts where good polar alignment often is tricky to achieve.

Full control

Guidinggraphs in live view on MGENs display, detailed analysis of every guide movement by MGEN Software (Windows)


MGEN-3 can be controlled via every Software using ASCOM by using the new (comes early 2020)

work on Indi driver in progress!

Stand alone or Remote Mode
Stand alone or Remote Mode

MGEN can be used stand alone (without any computer, just handcontrol) or remote in observatory mode by a remote PC via USB connection. Even On / Off switch is remote manageable.

Stand alone Mode: Everything manageable on the handbbox - just a USB/5V Power supply needed.
Remote Mode: Espeacially for remote sites / observatories. Everything can be controlled on a pc on a graphical user interface - even on / off switch is remote manageable.


The GUI is currently available in these languages:
* German
* English

MGEN Autoguider

Guiding Camera & Handcontrol
Cable (Camera & USB Power)
Guiding Cable (ST4)

What our Customers say about the MGEN standalone Autoguider

What T. Nawratil says about the MGEN standalone Autoguider
The MGEN is the ultimate guiding solution. I do astrophotography with 35 different telescopes and photolenses on 7 different mouns - only with MGEN mounted on a 9x50 viewfinder with the same settings. Choose guidestar, calibrate, guide. Thats it.
T. Nawratil
popular, awarded austrian astrophotographer - Profile Page at Astrobin
What Prof. Bakos says about the MGEN standalone Autoguider
The HAT-South telescopes use MGEN to improve guiding accuracy and stabilize the stars profile for a highly increased photometric precision, which significantly contributed in discovering at least 40 exoplanets.
Prof. Dr. Gaspar Bakos
Director of the international HAT Project for extroplanet search - HAT